After the Ocean "Adventures" back in the Philippines

Back in Cebu City, now as a proud Yacht Owner !

English: Skyline of Cebu City

English: Skyline of Cebu City (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

9 months after I left Cebu City to pick up my Sail Yacht I was finally back. Almost 20.000 km and 10.000 US $. (for those which think, sailing is cheap)
From the six months after I sailed “off” I spend 87 days at other places on land, just 92 days were at Sea.

Right in Time for the Christmas Season and the “big Season Restaurant Business”.


OPENING (Photo credit: guenthervomberg)

Not much time for sailing then, and the Place where I “parked” my yacht wasn’t very ideal either.

Ok, it was safely tied up right next on a mooring to the huge Trimaran of Vice Admiral Aznar from the Philippine Coastguard Auxiliary, but to get there i had to drive at least one hour through the entire city and then pay half a Dollar for every person and myself to go 20 meters through a lot along the coast.
That would not be so bad, but the time until someone came to collect was annoying.

Also the surroundings of 5 star hotels and Resorts may sound tempting, but it was also connected with Jetskis zipping around one, motorboats towing parashooters or waterskiing, and a lot of Boats filled with tourists roaming around “sightseeing.

Cebu City Harbor

Cebu City Harbor (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

Mactan Island… if someone would have told me in 1986 that this would be filled with hundreds of thousands of Tourists annually from all over the world, I would have maybe laughed at him.
Back then they did not even had a cemented or paved road to the Airport and the only means of Transport was Tricycles. No Taxi !
Not that I mind really, but I like it quiet when sailing or sitting on my Sailyacht.
Again, a good friend, (PBM) Ben Gonzales and luck came into play.
Although my neighbour in the City, he still had lots of ties to his Birthtown Balamban, where he also served as Mayor for many Years.
So he suggested to move the boat and my business to Balamban. Wait a minute… a “fine dining City Resto” into a provincial town…no, that can’t be good.

But he grinned and said, “lets go, you will see”.
Okay, said and done and next weekend into the cars to visit Balamban. As expected, nothing there, no Restaurant, no Pubs, only one German ( Peter, who became my friend later) and who ran a tip-top clean as a whistle Apartment complex and lodging house. 
He explained the situation. Balamban had a huge Japanese Shipyard, which employed ( now ) 14.000 people. Plus a smaller British Shipyard (now Australian) which build fast Catamaran ferries.
And those people need something to eat and some more quality entertainment, a place to dine and unwind.
Peter the German already had all hands full with his lodging and multiple other things, so the decision was made quick.
To move the Yacht to the Bay ( which was ideal) and the Restaurant also. What could go wrong ?

That was February 2002.

Why living in the Tropical Country ?

philippines manila jeepney

philippines manila jeepney (Photo credit: FriskoDude)

A procession like this of the Senor Sto. Nino ...

A procession like this of the Senor Sto. Nino will parade to the National Shrine on the Translacion (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

The decision for this was probably made sometime in 1980 when I first visited Florida and the Caribian.

Yes- that was my thing. I am not an autumn/winter Person.

I also admired the happiness and lifestyle of the People living their, in spite of Poverty and natural disasters wish regularly come over the Tropics anywhere in the World.

However, back then I was 20and a migration without any experience and money did not look very tempting

Back in Cebu City, now as a proud Yacht Owner !

English: Skyline of Cebu City

English: Skyline of Cebu City (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

Nine months after I left Cebu City to pick up my Sail Yacht I was finally back. Almost 20.000 km and 10.000 US $. (for those which think, sailing is cheap)
From the six months after I sailed “off” I spend 87 days at other places on land, just 92 days were at Sea.

Right in Time for the Christmas Season and the “big Season Restaurant Business”.


OPENING (Photo credit: guenthervomberg)

Not much time for sailing then, and the Place where I “parked” my yacht wasn’t very ideal either.

Ok, it was safely tied up right next on a mooring to the huge Trimaran of Vice Admiral Aznar from the Philippine Coastguard Auxiliary, but to get there i had to drive at least one hour through the entire city and then pay half a Dollar for every person and myself to go 20 meters through a lot along the coast.
That would not be so bad, but the time until someone came to collect was annoying.

Also the surroundings of 5 star hotels and Resorts may sound tempting, but it was also connected with Jetskis zipping around one, motorboats towing parashooters or waterskiing, and a lot of Boats filled with tourists roaming around “sightseeing.

Cebu City Harbor

Cebu City Harbor (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

Mactan Island… if someone would have told me in 1986 that this would be filled with hundreds of thousands of Tourists annually from all over the world, I would have maybe laughed at him.
Back then they did not even had a cemented or paved road to the Airport and the only means of Transport was Tricycles. No Taxi !
Not that I mind really, but I like it quiet when sailing or sitting on my Sailyacht.
Again, a good friend, (PBM) Ben Gonzales and luck came into play.
Although my neighbour in the City, he still had lots of ties to his Birthtown Balamban, where he also served as Mayor for many Years.
So he suggested to move the boat and my business to Balamban. Wait a minute… a “fine dining City Resto” into a provincial town…no, that can’t be good.

But he grinned and said, “lets go, you will see”.
Okay, said and done and next weekend into the cars to visit Balamban. As expected, nothing there, no Restaurant, no Pubs, only one German ( Peter, who became my friend later) and who ran a tip-top clean as a whistle Apartment complex and lodging house. 
He explained the situation. Balamban had a huge Japanese Shipyard, which employed ( now ) 14.000 people. Plus a smaller British Shipyard (now Australian) which build fast Catamaran ferries.
And those people need something to eat and some more quality entertainment, a place to dine and unwind.
Peter the German already had all hands full with his lodging and multiple other things, so the decision was made quick.
To move the Yacht to the Bay ( which was ideal) and the Restaurant also. What could go wrong ?

That was February 2002.

to me. So I “postponed” the Idea for retirement, hopefully not with 65, as mandated by the Pension age.

And the I was not sure, where exactly I wanted to live and retire, I just knew the places from a vacation and that did not seem a very realistic viewpoint. But travelling to as many places as possible was already on the program,six weeks of vacation every year at least.I was also blessed that i could get cheap or free tickets from due to my employment at DHL. Because Long distance Air travel back then did cost a fortune.

So in 1985 I came also to visit my elder Brother in Manila/Philippines,who had travelled and lived extensively in Southeast Asia since the mid 70ties.

Now Manila isn’t exactly an example of a very livable Place, it is rather a Megapolis like Mexico City or Sao Paulo and other huge third world Cities.

But just a few hours away one could enjoy the most pristine Places.


Add the always friendly and uncomplicated People one has certainly a Paradise. But still nothing to live off.

As mentioned, the People in the Tropics can cope with virtually any situation and with their huge family support system can live of almost nothing. Not so I, raised in a western culture of individualism and achievements oriented it is hard to step “down” from the former high living standards of our consumer Society.

So what is the choice- finish the rat race early and try in the other country or wait 40 years until the desired pension security comes ?

In my case the decision was made by luck again. I had a chance to change from my current Management Position at DHL into a new, temporary high paid one at an Aircargo company to build up their Courier Service.

Combined with the money I already had saved and the huge sum I would have enough to live for years in luxury and also build up some new Enterprise.

Logically in Import-and Export, as I have a logistics background and my brother  was already earning good money in the same field.

But first also wanted to see and experience more of the Rest of the world. So in between Production Circles of the goods manufactured in the Philippines and Import of Luxury goods from Germany I also travelled extensive through Asia and Central America The decision to live In the Philippines came after years only.

it was not motivated, as so many, by some woman one fell in love with, or by some Cheap house deal. Neither the cheaper costs of living played any significant roll, since i planned to earn most money inside the country, the income would be in relation to it also.

No – I really carefully weighed the pro’s and contras.

One thing was clear to me, living in another similar exotic place such as Thailand ( Buddhist) or Indonesia ( Islam) was out of question. I would always be the “stranger”. And the people would also always be “Strange” to me. This was clear, to me as my background is from the West and the ideals and Philosophies, as much “atheistic”as we are, is based upon Christian values.

Christian values such as in Latin America and… the only Christian Country in Asia. -Philippines.

Alternatively I could seek domicile also in some Pacific Atolls or Tahiti, but those Places are a bit too far out.

Another very important Point for me was the “waterworld” territory of the Philippines.

Since I also love to sail with boats and Yachts it had to be a Country with lots of “SEA”.


And that, with 7100 islands, is the Philippines definitely !

next- the final move and choice of domicile

Why tropical Philippines as Domicile ? The first years in Manila

Why did I choose to live in the Philippines ?

Jeepney in Manila, Philippines

Jeepney in Manila, Philippines (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

1985 to 1990

To be honest, when i came to the Philippines in 1985 on an Invitation of my Brother I had no real clue (yet) why.
Just heeps of money and time to”see the world” as  I have worked the past 6 years more or less nonstop for DHL in a Logistics career. ( I liked it then , but it’s not a real life )

However, the first years in Manila were also the “learning years”.
Trying to do business(es) such as Import of Cars and Export of manufactured goods wasn’t hard, but also similar in time consumption and exhausting.
Plus the general Problems of being a relative “Newbie” to the country.
I also did not devote all my time for it, so in between Production circles and bulk Imports I also travelled a lot in the Region.
And extensively to Central America, where I almost “fell in Love” with Nicaragua and Costa Rica.
For those not happy in Asia– check those countries out !

However, as a Friend of mine so often used to say, – the Philippines is 51 % “love it” and 49 % “hate it”. The 2 Percent make you stay or come back.
I would not set the percentage that close, but he brought the point pretty well over.

So in 89 I stopped almost all other “search and travel” activities and settled firmly in Manila.

It was as always and as most Foreigners experience, one gets mostly closer to other foreigners, in my case other businessman, some even “competitors” although we were friends. There were Germans, French, Italian,  Americans, Australians, the whole world.
That is nice and give’s one a warm and cozy feeling, but I can not recommend that in general. ( Afterwards one is smarter )
The Reason is that one may live in the new home, but is still an “outsider” without real confidence.

And the communications in those”Expat” groups also mostly only revolve only around work, foreign politics, and (this is a downer for me) the negative sides of Living in the Philippines. Or nagging Criticism and the emerald boring question ‘Why is…”
Inspite of all the complaining  everyone was living like a Millionaer or better.
We all had household employees, drivers (if cars), gardener, laundry woman and all the luxury of wealthy people in the West.
But as (Young) human nature goes, one is never satisfied of what one has.

One of those emerald subjects was also the “lack of big money”, one wanted to have a pool, one a larger house in a better Subdivision, one a Sailyacht (that was me) or a fancy car.

The consent was, that one rather go back to his home country and make some “real money” in a short time and then come back.
As most of us knew the Profits of our manufactured goods abroad, this wasn’t too unrealistic. To cut out the “Sales and distribution margin” abroad would really improve income by about 300 %

But the only one to finally do that step was me. Only problem – I had nobody to take care of the manufacturing in Manila and no real contacts for sale in US/Canada, so I decided to stop that fashion accessoire biz and sold the clients to a competitor friend.

That was 1990 and I was sure that after the reunification of Germany I would be able to gain a good foothold in the new open Eastern German Logistic market. So was the Plan, and I just wanted to stay long enough to buy that sailyacht and go back to the Philippines.
5- 10 Years max… and then retire to a minimum, because I never want to stop working in my life, I would die without work. (Say 2 hours a day is ideal)

So I flew back to Germany.With the firm Promise to be back forever in the Philippines latest 2000.